Green and Sustainability Clauses for Artist Contract

1. Both Artist and Purchaser confirm that they are committed to the goal of minimising the environmental impact and promoting sustainable practices in relation to the Engagement(s) and the tours of which the Engagement(s) are a part. The parties wish to signal their intentions in relation to the Engagement(s) by suggesting the following responsibilities which the parties shall endeavour to fulfil  wherever practically and commercially feasible (and provided in accordance with local laws, rules and regulations governing the Engagement).

2. Purchaser agrees to use all reasonable endeavours to procure that the Venue(s)

a. prioritise energy efficiency and the use of renewable energy sources, such as wind or solar power, throughout the Event and switch to green energy tariffs for grid / shore power when commercially feasible;

b. reduces waste in the Venue(s), including by providing recycling bins, and minimising single-use plastics and waste sent to landfill. 

c. conserves water resources by utilising water-efficient facilities and encouraging responsible water use during the Engagement(s). Provide water fountains FOH & BOH for use with refillable water bottles for all attendees.

d. Provides sufficient grid / shore power to plug-in all tour trucks and buses and to enforce no idling policy for all vehicles at the Venue(s) and will endeavour to make the above commitments contractually binding as part of any Venue hire agreement where possible.

3. Purchaser agrees to use reasonable endeavours to

a. prioritise energy efficiency and the use of renewable energy sources, such as wind or solar power, throughout the Event and switch to green energy tariffs for grid / shore power when commercially feasible;

b. reduces waste in the Venue(s), including by providing recycling bins, and minimising single-use plastics and waste sent to landfill. 

c. conserves water resources by utilising water-efficient facilities and encouraging responsible water use during the Engagement(s). Provide water fountains FOH & BOH for use with refillable water bottles for all attendees.

d. Provides sufficient grid / shore power to plug-in all tour trucks and buses and to enforce no idling policy for all vehicles at the Venue(s) and will endeavour to make the above commitments contractually binding as part of any Venue hire agreement where possible

4. Purchaser agrees to use reasonable endeavours to

a. prioritise local, plant based and sustainably sourced food and beverage options for catering based on Artist rider and reduce / avoid single use packaging.

b. ensure that tickets for the Event(s) and/or event communications encourage attendees to choose lower carbon means of transport to the Event and consider the impact of their attendance on their carbon footprint and encourage communication at the point of purchase.

c. prioritise sustainable and ethical merchandise manufacturers and materials if producing any products for sale or promotion.

d. The parties recognise that it may not be possible to deliver the Event on a zero emissions basis and agree to use reasonable endeavours to measure the carbon impact of the Event and to use all possible avenues to reduce the carbon emissions of the event. 

5. All interested parties will endeavour to collaborate to assess the success of the sustainability initiatives post-Engagement and consider improvements for future events. 

6. Following the Engagement or Tour of which the Engagement forms part the Purchaser will report to Agent and Company on its compliance with clauses 2 and 3 above. In the event that the Promoter or the venue fails to comply fully with clauses 2 and 3 it shall set out in reasonable detail its strategy for future compliance.

7. By incorporating these clauses into this contract, Artist and their representatives, Purchaser  and Agent affirm their commitment to reducing the environmental impact associated with live music events and promoting sustainable practices within the industry as a whole.

8. Both parties agree to acknowledge the associated Green Rider attachment which provides guidance and resources for achieving the agreed commitments.